
November 23, 2023 by Rob Craig


As destinations go, I must say that one of my favourites has to be vibrant, exciting Vietnam. Here, centuries-old traditions intermingle with stunning natural wonders and as I fondly recall, not far away is always a bustling, colourful city or a tranquil village carrying on with life’s daily rituals. Heading away from the cities, the beauty is showcased in the green rice paddies, the rolling terraced hills and workers as they toil in the fields, their conical hats shielding them from the hot sun. 

In vibrant, bustling Ho Chi Minh, life takes on a frenetic pace with cars,

Ho Chi Minh
Ho Chi Minh

rickshaws, motorbikes and pedestrians weaving in and out, everyone taking it all in stride. It’s quite amazing to watch the organized chaos, a far cry from the verdant countryside. In Ho Chi Minh, we visit the stately Presidential Palace, the Cathedral of Notre Dame and the old Saigon Post Office, notable for its magnificent combination of neo-classical European architecture and Asian decorations.

Outside of Ho Chi Minh, are the Cu Chi Tunnels, built as a defence first against the French and later the Americans during the Vietnam war. This incredible series of almost two hundred tunnels were built in the 1940’s and still exist. To hear the stories, to be there and see how the tunnels were used is fascinating.  

In Hanoi, iconic landmarks such as the One Pillar Pagoda and Ho Chi Minh


Mausoleum showcase ancient architecture and history. The city’s Old Quarter still has its ancient pagodas, traditional markets and a firsthand glimpse of local lifestyles.

One of my favourite cities is the charming coastal town of Hoi An. Its architecture is a mixture of styles with beautiful temples, ancient tea warehouses, elegant French colonial buildings, elaborate Vietnamese tube houses and its famous Japanese covered bridge. Each evening, along its canals, Hoi An is lit up with colourful paper lanterns, a magical site! There are many excellent restaurants in the city and as is the case throughout Vietnam, the cuisine is excellent!

Ha Long Bay
Ha Long Bay

Another of the many highlights on this journey is an overnight stay on legendary Halong Bay, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Here, three thousand rock formations jut up from the pristine, emerald waters. Stopping at an islet, a climb through a series of coves and grottoes presents some of the world’s most spectacular stalactite and stalagmite formations. Halong Bay is just one of Southeast Asia’s breathtaking gems…one that should not be missed.

Reserve your space early on this one. Escape the bitter cold of March and join Journey Leaders Pam and Nick Cannon on this magical adventure! Vietnam March 5, 2024

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