Ecuador & Galapagos

April 26, 2024 by Rob Craig

President's Pick: Ecuador & Galapagos

October 8 - 24, 2024 | Journey Leader: Donna Rombough

Ecuador and the Galapagos Islands boast a diversity of cultures and landscapes unlike anywhere else in the world.  This remarkable journey's geographic regions include the Andes Mountains, the Amazon, the Pacific Coast and the spectacular Galapagos Islands, a volcanic archipelago in the Pacific Ocean. The Galapagos Islands are a province of Ecuador, and are considered one of the world's foremost destinations for wildlife- viewing. This is due in no small part, to having the strictest environmental protection laws in the world. Numbers of visitors to the islands are restricted each year, and our travellers are among the lucky visitors.

The majestic Cotopaxi as seen from Quito

We begin in Quito, exploring the charming colonial Old Quarter of the city with its museums, monasteries and Moorish influences which offer an interesting insight into the city's past, while modern commercial buildings, stately plazas and shops entice locals and visitors alike.
Continuing south, meandering through small villages and busy markets, quaint haciendas and rural farmlands, we see the country's charm, colour and personality.  Enjoy three nights in delightful Cuenca, where cobblestone streets, red-tiled roofs flower-filled plazas and fascinating museums are truly captivating.
All of this is simply a prelude to what will follow. That is a 1,000-km flight across the Pacific Ocean to the Galapagos Islands. Here, we embark on the deluxe yacht Isabela II, where a four-night adventure begins. Marvel at the unique wildlife on the islands and wander amongst them, up close, experiencing one highlight after another!

Stay in the heart of Ecuador's cloud forest. Courtesy of Mashpi Lodge © Michael Kleinberg.

We won't want this voyage to end, but no worries, we're on to another spectacular adventure; a highlight of another kind. Flying back to Quito, we head north into the Amazon, to the world-renowned, 5-star eco-resort, Mashpi Lodge, for a two-night, close-to-nature experience in the Cloud Forest...pristine jungle, a butterfly farm, tropical birds, monkeys, sloths, a tree-top gondola and much more. At Mashpi Lodge, we are accessing the Mashpi Reserve, a dedicated research station, at the forefront of rainforest protection and education, with over 400 species to admire.
When choosing a destination for our honeymoon, my wife and I wanted a magical place unlike anywhere else in the world.  

Mashpi Lodge was...simply sensational!

The resort is an intimate, luxurious cocoon in the clouds, accommodating just forty-four guests in rooms featuring floor-to-ceiling windows, with the forest just metres away! I cannot say enough about the resort and everything it offers. I feel strongly that Mashpi Lodge is an opportunity we must offer our group members on this exciting adventure!
This is a small group journey, led by Journey Leader Donna Rombough and booking soon is essential! Contact Joilyn (jdoucette [at] (jdoucette[at]craigtravel[dot]com)) or 1-800-387-8890 ext 238 to reserve your space!

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